Listen To The Dialogue And Answer The Questions

Listen to the dialogue below and answer the questions:


John: Hi, Mary! How are you today?

Mary: I’m good, John. How about you?

John: I’m doing great, thanks. Have you seen the new movie that just came out?

Mary: No, not yet. Is it any good?

John: Oh, it’s fantastic! You should definitely go watch it.

Mary: I will, thanks for the recommendation. By the way, have you finished your report for the meeting tomorrow?

John: Not yet, I’m still working on it. I’ll probably be up all night trying to get it done.

Mary: Oh no, that doesn’t sound fun. Well, good luck with it! Let me know if you need any help.

John: Thanks, Mary. I appreciate it.

Now, let’s move on to the questions based on the dialogue:


  1. How is Mary feeling today?
  2. What does John think of the new movie?
  3. Has John finished his report for the meeting tomorrow?

Now, let’s analyze the dialogue and find the answers to the questions:


1. How is Mary feeling today?

In the dialogue, Mary tells John that she is good. This implies that Mary is feeling good today. So, the answer to this question is that Mary is feeling good today.

2. What does John think of the new movie?

John thinks that the new movie is fantastic. He tells Mary that she should definitely go watch it. This shows that John has a positive opinion of the new movie. Therefore, the answer to this question is that John thinks the new movie is fantastic.

3. Has John finished his report for the meeting tomorrow?

John tells Mary that he has not finished his report for the meeting tomorrow. He mentions that he is still working on it and will probably be up all night trying to get it done. This indicates that John has not finished his report yet. So, the answer to this question is that John has not finished his report for the meeting tomorrow.

In conclusion, Mary is feeling good today, John thinks the new movie is fantastic, and John has not finished his report for the meeting tomorrow. It is important to pay attention to the details in a dialogue to accurately answer questions based on it.

By listening carefully and analyzing the dialogue, we can extract valuable information and improve our listening and comprehension skills. So, next time you listen to a dialogue, remember to pay attention to the details and try to answer questions based on it.

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